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Knowing the benefits of using a topdressing machine will probably convince you that it’s something you should do for your lawn every year, to keep it looking healthy and vital. Topdressing can be very beneficial for homeowners, as well as managers of athletic fields and caretakers for public parks and recreational areas. When you really want your lawn to have that deep green, lush appearance, topdressing is a very appropriate alternative to chemical treatments, and if you’d prefer to avoid chemicals altogether, using a topdressing spreader is definitely the way to go.
Topdressing is the practice of spreading a mixture of soil and compost on the surface of a lawn, either a residential lawn or a commercial area, so as to improve the conditions of the soil itself, and to make your lawn healthier and better-looking. In the old days, the only way to accomplish this was by taking shovel in hand, and using a kind of throwing motion to distribute the compost material over the entire lawn, and if you had to do it for a football-field sized area, you would probably need a few helpers. Nowadays though, there are lots of good top dressing machines available, particularly those from Turftime Equipment, which can literally be used for any commercial lawn or field, as well as on residences.
When you spread 1/4″ to 1/2″ of compost material over any lawn periodically, it can provide tremendous benefits to that area, and can make it look terrific. In addition to improving its overall health and appearance, here are some of the other benefits you’ll realize from topdressing:
The answer to this question will depend on how big an area you have to spread your compost over, and how frequently you intend to do the job. You certainly won’t want to stand in front of a mountain of compost with your trusty shovel, anticipating a whole day of compost-spreading. Remember, you can make your lawn or recreational turf much greener and healthier, and you can improve microbial activity as well as seed germination by topdressing your soil with one of the terrific topdressing machines from Turftime Equipment. Give us a call at 800-201-1031 or fill out a contact form to get started!
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