Turftime Equipment Blog

Turf Topdressing: How to Do It & Why You Should Do It

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Is your lawn struggling to be the lush, vibrant yard you’ve always wanted? Whether your lawn is plagued by weeds or suffering from extreme weather damage, there is a solution – topdressing your lawn!

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of topdressing, why you should do it, and the common materials used.

Keep reading to learn more – or contact TurfTime Equipment to get the tools you need for your next big project!

Why Topdress Your Lawn?

Topdressing is the process of adding a thin layer of material to the surface of your lawn. This material can be made up of compost, sand, or a mixture of both.

So, why should you add more dirt to your lawn? It may seem counterintuitive to add more dirt to your already struggling lawn, but topdressing helps with several common lawn issues, including:

  • Improve drainage in compacted or waterlogged soil
  • Promote healthy grass growth and root development
  • Help control weeds
  • Reduce the need for fertilizers
  • Improve overall turf appearance

Topdressing is a great solution for lawns that have been compacted by heavy foot traffic or equipment. Compacted soil can lead to poor drainage and grass root development, leading to a weak and unhealthy lawn. Topdressing helps loosen compacted soil and improve water and air circulation in the root zone.

Whether your lawn suffers from one or multiple of these issues, topdressing will solve them all!

topdressing on lawn

Which Materials Should I Use for Topdressing?

There are a few common materials used for topdressing, including topsoil, sand, compost, or a mixture. Which material you choose will depend on your lawn’s specific needs and issues.

Sand: If your lawn suffers from sitting water, sand can be useful for improving drainage in compacted soil and filling in low spots in your lawn. This will help improve drainage in heavy clay soils. However, it should not be used as the sole topdressing material, as it can lead to an undesirable gritty texture and may not provide essential nutrients for grass growth.

Compost: If your lawn has dead grass patches, compost is rich in nutrients and can help improve the health and appearance of your lawn. It can also help control weeds by smothering them and preventing their seeds from germinating. Compost is recommended for all soil types.

Compost and sand mixture: This combination can provide the benefits of both materials, improving drainage while also providing essential nutrients for your lawn.

Topsoil: Topsoil can also be used as a topdressing material, but it is important to ensure that it is high quality and not full of weed seeds or other unwanted materials. This is also an inexpensive way to make your topdressing material go farther.


How to Topdress Your Lawn

When topdressing your lawn, it’s important to evenly spread the material in thin layers (about ⅛-¼ inch), avoiding piling on too much in one spot. Topdressing can also be combined with aeration for optimal results.

Discover everything you need to know about how to aerate your lawn! 

Tools you’ll need for DIY topdressing:

  • Power rake or aerator
  • Lawn mower
  • Regular rake, shovel, or garden fork
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Grass seed (if overseeding)

Here are 5 steps to topdressing your lawn:

  1. Determine the amount of topdressing material you will need based on your lawn size and material type. (To find the amount of material needed for your yard, multiply the square footage of your yard by 0.77, then divide by 1,000.)
  2. Mow your lawn shorter than usual to allow room for the topdressing layer and ensure even spreading.
  3. Spread the topdressing material evenly across your lawn, using a rake or garden rake to smooth it out.
  4. Water thoroughly to help the material settle into the grass and promote healthy growth.
  5. Avoid heavy foot traffic on your lawn for the next week and wait 7-10 days before mowing again.

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Contact TurfTime Equipment for All Your Topdressing Needs!

Topdressing can give your lawn a boost and improve its overall health and appearance. It’s a simple, yet effective solution for common lawn issues. Contact TurfTime Equipment for all the tools and topdressers to tend to your lawn like a pro!

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